About Dr. George bebawi

- 1961 – Coptic Orthodox Theological College, Cairo, Egypt B.D.
- 1970 – University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England MPh The Origin of Christianity in Egypt
- Ph.D. Thesis title: Some Aspects of the Sacramental Theology of The Coptic Church
- English, Arabic, Coptic, Aramaic, Greek, Syriac, Hebrew, Persian, French and Latin
Work Experience
- 2000-2004, Institute for Christian Orthodox Studies Director of Studies Cambridge, England
- 2000-2004, Faculty of Divinity/ Cambridge Theological Federation, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
- Lecturer in Islam and Eastern Christianity2000-2004, Centre for Advanced Religious and Theological Studies (CARTS), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England Project Director, the Jewish Roots of Christian Worship
- 1985-2000, Lecturer, Church History, Patristic Studies, Islam University of Nottingham, St. Johns College, Nottingham, England
- 1988, United Presbyterian Church California, USA Guest Professor of Contemporary Theology
- 1984-1985, Selly Oak College, Birmingham, England William Paton Fellow
- 1975-1984, Middle East Council of Churches, Cairo, Egypt Executive secretary, Department of Theological Concerns
- 1982-1983, Coptic Catholic Seminary Ma’adi, Egypt Lecturer in Early Church History and the Modern History of Egypt
- 1975-1977, Coptic Orthodox Theological College Cairo, Egypt Dean
- 1973-1975, University of the Holy Spirit Kaslik, Lebanon Lecturer in Church History and Eastern Christian Worship
- 1970-1973, Coptic Orthodox Theological College Cairo, Egypt Lecturer in Theology and Church History
- 1961-1965, Coptic Orthodox Theological College Cairo, Egypt Lecturer in Church History and Patristics
Subjects Early Church History from the New Testament to 451
- The History of Christianity in Egypt from the Beginning to the Ottoman Conquest of Egypt
- History of Christian Doctrines
- Patristic Theology
- Systematic and Historical Theology
- Islam
- Judaism
- Inter-faith Dialogue: Christianity, Islam and Buddhism
Church Membership
- 1957-1984, The Coptic Orthodox Church
- 1984-2004, The Russian Orthodox Church, Moscow Patriarchate
Ecumenical Responsibilities
- 1973-1983, Co-Secretary of the Coptic Orthodox/Roman Catholic International Committee for Theological Dialogue
- 1974-1984, Coptic Orthodox Representative at the Pro Orienta in Vienna
- 1977-1984, Coptic Orthodox Representative at the World Council of Churches General Assembly and other work groups of Faith and Order, and Christian Education
- 1984-1988, Co-Chairman and Lecturer on the annual Course of Christian Spirituality at the Multi-Faith Centre, Selly Oak, Birmingham
- 1985–1988 Sigma Society for Psychotherapy and Meditation, Manchester, England
Publications The Fathers of the Church
- Translation into Arabic from Greek, Published in Cairo, Egypt by Patristic Studies Publications:
The letters of Ignatius of Antioch, 1972, pp150
St. Cyril of Alexandria
- Scholia on the Incarnation, 1972, pp 75
- Commentary on the Gospel of St. John, Chapters 1-11, Volume One, 1974, pp 255
- Commentary on the Creed, 1977, pp 64
- Christ is One, 1977, pp 59
St. Athanasius of Alexandria
- Contra Apollianrius, I & II, 1977, pp150
- The Letters to Serapion, 1978, pp 92
Patristic Studies in Arabic – All were published in Cairo, Egypt
by Patristic Studies Publications
- A Patristic Commentary on the Lord’s Prayer, 1972, pp 132
- Why Was Jesus Baptized? 1973, pp 45
- Man, the Image of God: A study in the Bible, St. Athanasius and St. Cyril of Alexandria, 1974, pp 205
- A Patristic and Historical Commentary on the Lima Document of the WCC, on Baptism, the Eucharist and Ministry, 1979, pp 105
- Sin and Redemption, A Study of the ‘De Incarnatione’ of St. Athanasius, 1980, pp 89
- Baptism in the Universal Church in the First Five Hundred Years, 1980, pp 154
Studies in Church History in Arabic
- Women in the Early Five Hundred Years of Eastern Christianity, the Middle East Council of Churches, Beirut, Lebanon, 1979, pp 55
- The Origin of Christianity in Egypt, Patristic Studies Publications, Cairo, Egypt, 1977, pp 230
- The Minority Mind: the History of Persecution and National Reconciliation During the National Struggle of Egypt Since 1919. No publisher listed due to the nature of the book, 1980, pp 400
- The Arab Conquest of Egypt and the Conversion of the Copts to Islam. No publisher listed due to the nature of the book, 1988, pp 320
Articles in English
Articles in English – Booklets for the B.Th and the M.A. in Theology and Ministry at St. John’s College and the Open University. All were published as part of the inter publications of St. John’s College, Nottingham, England
- The Life and Death of Communities, Persecution and Survival: A Basic Reading in Early Church History and the Contemporary Church of England, 1986, pp 100
- Political and Social Background of the Arian Rejection of the Homoousious, 1986, pp 54
- Office and Charisma: the Plight of Montanism, 1988, pp 70
- Does History Repeat Itself? A Historical and Social Assessment of Gnosticism and the New Age, 1989, pp124
- The Councils of the Ancient Church: Their History and Significance, 1988, pp 80
- The History of the Doctrine of the Trinity from the New Testament to Richard of St. Victor, 1989, pp 79
Studies in Church History in English
- The Bishop in the Coptic Church, Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge (SPCK). Ed. By Moore, 1982, pp 25
- Copts and Islamic Fundamentalism Since 1952, Dictionary of Eastern Christianity, Blackwell, 1999, pp 6
Studies in Patristic Theology and Liturgy, in English
- The Supremacy of Some Churches Over Others, Pro Oriente, 1979, pp 27
- The Crown of Life: An Orthodox Perspective, Ecumenical Review, 1981, pp 23
- The Dynamics of Salvation in St. Athanasius of Alexandria, Sobornost, 1987, pp 26
- The Creed and Celebration of Faith in Eastern Orthodox Worship in Foundation Documents of Faith, Ed by Cyril Rodd, T&T Clark, 1987, pp 27
- Atonement and Mercy: Athanasius, Anselm and Islam, Atonement Today, Ed by L. Goldingay, SPCK, 1995, pp 25
- The Coptic Liturgy, Dictionary of Eastern Christianity, Blackwell, 1999, pp 9
- The Bible in the Eastern Church, The Illustrated Oxford Dictionary of the Bible, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp 11
Studies in inter faith dialogue, in Arabic
Studies in inter faith dialogue, in Arabic – No publisher listed due to the nature of these books
- Does Christianity Believe in One God? Cairo, Egypt, 1977, pp 66
- Is the Crucifixion a Legend of a Historical Fact? Cairo, Egypt, 1997, pp 8
- Dialogues on the Trinity, Cairo, Egypt, 1999, pp 230
Translation from Coptic to Arabic
Translation from Coptic to Arabic, Published by Philoptron, Cairo, Egypt
- The Letters of Abbot Sophronius of Upper Egypt: The Eucharist, 1988, pp 25
- Resurrection and the Church – The Body of Christ, 1999, pp 36
- The Holy Trinity and the Joy of the New Creation, 2001, pp 80
Translation from English to Arabic
- Being As Communion, by John Zizioulas, the Patristic Centre, Cairo, Egypt, 1989, pp 95
Research in Progress
- The Jesus Prayer and Mantras: A Study of Buddhism and Eastern Christianity
- The Atonement, the Sacraments – East and West
- Christian Mysticism and Muslim Sufism
The Jewish Roots of Christian Worship Project
- The priesthood of Melchizedeck in Judaism and ancient Christianity
- The Sanctuary and altar in early Christianity
- The veil of the Temple – The curtain in the Coptic and Byzantine traditions
- The Holy of Holies in the Oriental Christian Tradition
- Wisdom in Early Desert Monastic Literature
Supervision of Ph.D. Dissertations
- James Tebbe, Christian Scriptures in Muslim Culture, in the Work of Kenneth Cragg: A thesis submitted to the Open University. Passed 1997
- Craig Alert, The New Testament Canon, Revelation and Truth in Justin Martyr and St. Irenaeus. University of Nottingham. Passed 2001
PhDs. under supervision
- Jonathan Tallon, A Study on Justification by Faith in the St. John Chrysostom’s Homilies on Romans and Galatians. University of Nottingham
- Pedr Backley, Origins and Development of Snaja Yoge, Open University
- Bantoon Boon-itt, The Encounter Between Thai Buddhism and Christianity in Thailand. University of Nottingham
- Andrea Z. Stephannous, Religion and Politics in the Middle East, University of Manchester
Pastoral Responsibility
- 1985-1999 Spiritual Director of students and priests in the Church of England, St. John’s College, Nottingham, England
Curriculum Development
- Curriculum for the Diploma in Theology and Ministry/Certificate in Theology and Worship (CTW). Thematic courses aimed at integrating theology, church history and liturgy. The courses covered the doctrine of God, Christology, the Holy Spirit and the sacraments. University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England
- Coptic Patriarchal Prize for Church History, for ‘The Historical Roots of Egyptian Monasticism’ – Coptic Orthodox Theological College, Cairo Egypt, 1957
- Hort Prize for the ‘English Translation of the Coptic Gnostic Gospel of Philip of Nag-Hammadi’ – University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, 1967
Dr. Nicholas de Lange
Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies
Faculty of Divinity University of Cambridge
West Road Cambridge CB3 9BS
Bishop Basil of Sergievo
Assistant Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain
Chairman, Institute for Christian Orthodox Studies, Cambridge
94 A Banbury Road
Oxford, England
Tel. 011-44-1865-512-701
Chairman, Institute for Christian Orthodox Studies, Cambridge
94 A Banbury Road
Oxford, England
Tel. 011-44-1865-512-701
Dr. Sebastian Brock
Professor of Syriac Studies
Department of Oriental Studies
Oxford University
12 Richmond Road
Oxford, England